
“I have found the safety trainers of PCS to be excellent communicators, very knowledgeable and very friendly.”

— Mark Anderson, Safety Director at Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery

“PCS has shown many displays of passion that is required driving safety and awareness to our employees.”

— Adam Lorge, Operations Manager with H&S Manufacturing

“Having PCS handle the compliance portion of our business removes some of the pressure of trying to keep up with the continual changes in our industry. The assurance that we can call on them in the event of an OSHA inspection is also comforting.”

— Dan Willis, Office Manager at Lime Ridge Ag. Supply, Inc.

“I appreciate their knowledge and professionalism. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone seeking to improve their safety performance.”

— Tom Griffith, General Manager at General Shoe Supplies, Ltd.

“The monthly fee we pay PCS is extremely fair, and when the fee is compared directly to the work received, it is an immense value.”

— Andrew Reichard, Safety Administrator for Waukon Feed Ranch

Contact us.

9938 Gardener Ave.
Sparta, WI 54656